Dear Travel Partner:
Thank you for choosing AmaWaterways!
To register or update your agency in our database and receive commission, please fax the following documents to (818) 871-9737 as soon as possible.
- ARC/IATAN agencies: any document issued by ARC/IATAN that contains the ARC/IATAN number. Examples of these documents would be the ARC
letter of appointment or IATAN personnel list.
(a.) CLIA agencies (North America travel agencies/agent only): A copy of your current CLIA certificate
(b.) TRUE agencies: A copy of your letter of affiliation.
- Please include a copy of the agency letterhead (including: agency name and legal name, primary contact name,
physical address and phone/fax numbers, e-mail address).
Please fill out the Travel Advisor Registration Form - *click here to download the registration form
The requested documents are necessary to protect your travel agency's data, as well as your client's information. Please
fax the information requested above so that we may update your account, including any current/future bookings or issue commission
checks with your agency information. Also, note that commissions will only be paid once we have received the appropriate documentation.
Thank you in advance and appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. Please note we must receive all items listed above
before we can add you to our database and to have access to Travel Advisor Professional Site.